According to medical statistics, hypertension is a frequently detected violation of the cardiovascular system. The development of hypertension negatively affects the vessels: it reduces elasticity, increases fragility. Such processes lead to internal bleeding. Often, persistent high blood pressure leads to the progression of fatal pathological conditions: cardiac ischemia, myocardial infarction or stroke.
Early diagnosis of hypertension, timely prescribed treatment allows the patient to avoid the manifestation of changes that can significantly worsen health indicators or lead to death. People whose age is approaching forty years and older should regularly monitor blood pressure values, have a blood pressure monitor at home and consult a doctor if other symptoms of the disease are detected.
Causes of hypertension
What can cause hypertension in a person? What factors can cause its progression? These questions remain topical, they are put to doctors by people who are interested in their state of health. Sustained high pressure values can lead to certain changes in the functioning of the human body. The following diseases are affected:
- the state of the vessels that accompanies atherosclerosis;
- cardiac arrest;
- Diabetes;
- drop;
- rheumatoid arthritis;
- renal pathology.

Other factors contribute to the development of hypertension. The cause of the disease is associated with:
- heredity: pathologies are most susceptible to children whose parents are diagnosed with hypertension;
- age (over 45) and gender (morbidity rate in men is higher);
- overweight and obesity occurring for various reasons (functional disturbance of the body, low mobility, consumption of foods rich in animal fats, salt, regular overeating);
- skull and brain injury;
- significantly elevated cholesterol levels compared to the norm;
- hormonal changes in the female body during menopause;
- alcohol abuse, smoking, addiction to caffeinated beverages;
- complications after infectious or viral diseases;
- neglecting walks in favor of being indoors without fresh air.
Arterial hypertension accompanies patients for whom an unstable emotional state is the norm. Psychological discomfort, an attack of aggression or rage, stress, tragedies in personal life increase the values of indicators.
Classification and stages of the disease
Two methods are used to classify a hypertensive problem - by etiology (cause of occurrence) and by degree (stage) of development.
In a situation where the nature of arterial hypertension cannot be reliably determined, the doctor will announce the diagnosis of primary (essential) hypertension. This is the most common, observed in 95% of patients. The remaining 5% of people have a secondary form of the disease, which is an additional manifestation of other pathologies, requiring their treatment.
Three stages of the process will differ in terms of symptoms and severity: mild, moderate and severe.
A mild degree of hypertension is characterized by an increase in blood pressure within the limits:
- systolic blood pressure from 140 to 159 mm Hg. St;
- diastolic blood pressure from 90 to 99 mm Hg. From Art.
The course of the disease at this stage is not complicated by the pathology of internal organs, often occurs without pronounced symptoms.
With an average form of the disease, blood pressure values are in the range of 160-179/100-109 mm Hg. From Art. The patient's heart, kidneys begin to suffer, the condition of the retina changes, atherosclerotic plaques form in the vessels. In most cases, functional transformations occur imperceptibly.
Severe arterial hypertension of the third degree combines diagnosable pathologies of the heart, brain, organs of vision, vascular system and blood pressure indicators above 180/110 mm Hg. From Art. There is a high risk of hypertensive crisis

Characteristic symptoms
Hypertension in the initial and intermediate stages may not cause symptoms, which is a dangerous factor for the patient. The main symptom indicating the development of a pathological condition is headache and dizziness. They accompany the patient often and for a long time, occur due to a spasm of the cerebral vessels, their narrowing. Additional signs are general weakness, fatigue, nausea, a feeling of tinnitus, a veil before the eyes.
A person with hypertension experiences other symptoms of high blood pressure:
- decreased vision, feeling that the eyes are crushing;
- frequent nosebleeds;
- increased intracranial pressure;
- short-term loss of consciousness;
- instability of emotions, mood swings;
- development of insomnia;
- physical activity causes severe redness of the skin of the face;
- vomiting that does not have nutritional causes;
- rapid pulse and heartbeat;
- memory change, its deterioration;
- significant swelling of the extremities, face.
Signs of high blood pressure when developing a severe degree of the disease are accompanied by complications from the heart and blood vessels: heart failure, arrhythmia, angina, myocardial infarction. Symptoms of hypertension are associated with kidney failure, changes in blood supply to the brain, microstrokes, strokes.
Symptoms of hypertension can be present in a patient in different combinations, have a different nature of manifestation: stable, strong, point. A feature of the disease is that a person is dominated by high blood pressure.

Sufficient grounds for a full examination of the patient in case of suspicion of the development of hypertension in him are three cases of increased pressure indicators in a month. This symptom cannot be ignored.
The patient is recommended to independently take measurements using a tonometer several times a day and record the results. In the conditions of a medical institution, such a diagnostic method as daily monitoring of blood pressure is used. The instruments record pressure values during the day (every 15 minutes) and at night (twice per hour).
To determine the change in the functions of the body, clinical blood and urine tests assigned to the patient allow. Indicators of cholesterol, protein, potassium, calcium, glucose, hemoglobin level, lipid spectrum are important for diagnosing the disease.
The presence of characteristic signs of high blood pressure and the development of hypertension are indicated by improper functioning of the heart muscle. For its study, the following methods are used:
- auscultation - with the help of a phonendoscope, the sounds produced by the organ are heard, the rhythm of its work is observed;
- ecg - decoding of the electrocardiogram taken from the patient allows a detailed assessment of cardiac functions for a certain period of time;
- ultrasound and echocardiographic diagnostic methods reveal defects of the myocardium and valves, allow to correlate the sizes of the atria, ventricles;
- The Doppler study makes it possible to evaluate the state of the vessels;
- arteriography - the result of monitoring informs about changes in the walls of the arteries, their damage, the location of cholesterol plaques.
If hypertension is suspected, fundus examination, ultrasound diagnosis of the kidneys and renal arteries, adrenal glands are prescribed.

Therapeutic measures
The treatment of hypertension involves the use of drugs capable of maintaining near-normal pressure. In cases where a secondary form of pathology is established, therapy consists in getting rid of the disease, which caused the increased pressure in the patient.
List of drugs
To eliminate high values of blood pressure will help to take medication strictly according to the doctor's instructions. The first degree of hypertension does not require medical treatment, the patient is recommended to change his lifestyle and usual diet. Moderate and severe forms of the disease should be controlled using groups of drugs:
- diuretics (thiazides) contribute to the natural removal of accumulated fluid from the patient's tissues, reduce their swelling, leading to an increase in vascular permeability;
- beta-blockers correct heart rhythm;
- sartans - a one-time supply of funds is able to normalize blood pressure, maintaining the result obtained for a day;
- calcium antagonists correct heart activity, are prescribed for severe angina, arrhythmias;
- angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors dilate blood vessels, prevent their spasm;
- alpha-blockers improve the condition of peripheral vessels.
The doctor prescribes a certain drug or a combination thereof for each patient, taking into account the general condition of the patient, concomitant diseases.
Provide first aid at home
Cases of uncontrolled increase in blood pressure in a hypertensive patient are not uncommon. With a sudden deterioration in his condition, relatives are advised to immediately call an ambulance. Before its arrival, the following steps must be followed:
- eliminate panic in hypertensive patients, calm it down: a stressful situation helps to increase blood circulation, increase pressure;
- the condition can be improved by taking herbal sedatives (Corvalol, motherwort, valerian);
- it is important to comfortably accommodate a person, it is recommended to sit in a comfortable position, lean, relax;
- it is necessary to apply a cold compress to the frontal region, while the legs should be warm (you can use heating pads or mustard bandages);
- urgent intake of the medicine recommended by the doctor is necessary;
The process of providing first aid is accompanied by the removal of blood pressure indicators (every 10 minutes), the results of the measurement should be recorded in writing, and then the sheet should be given to the doctors.
General Prevention Tips
Prevention of hypertension consists of a set of measures. Doctors advise changing lifestyle, diet, using folk experience to normalize the condition.
The medical institution will point out the exceptional harm to hypertensive patients from alcoholic beverages and smoking, and advise them to give up. Moderate physical activity, quiet walks in nature, light work are indicated.
Improving the condition of patients contributes to the transition to a special diet. Pickles and smoked meats, fried foods, fatty meats should be avoided, and fresh bread should not be eaten. Vegetables, fruits, herbs, dietary meat and dairy products, cereals (rice, buckwheat), legumes should be the main ingredients of the new menu. Salt, sugar and liquid patients should consume limited.
Traditional methods of treatment, known for a long time, will not allow the pressure to rise. Infusions and decoctions, based on medicinal herbs, bee products, vegetables or nuts and other components, are selected individually in the required proportions.